Integrated Microarray Database System
The Integrated Microarray Database System is a tool for
integrating microarray gene expression results with biological experimental
data. The IMDS is designed to store experimental descriptions, protocols,
raw microarray data and sets of normalized data. Data generated from both
spotted DNA array and Affymetrix GeneChip array experiments are supported
by the IMDS. The user interface software for the IMDS is open source and
the database itself is written in MySQL, an open source Relational Database
Management System (RDBMS). To assist development of additional database
features to meet future needs, the IMDS uses a Model-View-Controller
application framework, employing the Java Web development core technologies
of Java Server Pages (JSP), Java Beans and Struts.
The distinctive feature of the IMDS is the robust search functionality
provided through user-friendly menus dynamically populated with current
database records. Both the web-accessible user interface and the table
structure of the IMDS have been designed to support a variety of detailed
queries on the database, allowing the retrieval of microarray experiments
based on mutant description, tissue and developmental stage characteristics
of source organisms and detailed aspects of growth conditions and sample
treatments. Searches are also possible on experimental information such as
investigator, laboratory, research institution, date of experiment and
experiment and array type. Development is underway to enable complex queries
of analyzed experimental results, such as the retrieval of all experiments
that show a three or greater fold increase in the expression of a given gene
or subset of genes.
A tutorial, which provides training for the use of the database through
the web interface, is available in both
An older presentation describing the design and features of IMDS is available in
PowerPoint formats.
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