CD14/apo E double knock-outs
Availability: in stock, currently can be shipped
To inquire about obtaining these mice contact Mason Freeman.
The CD14 null we generated were intercrossed with apo E mice from JAX. The
latter were > ten generations backcrossed into C57BL/6J and the CD14 nulls
were back-bred into C57BL/6J mice for six generations.
They are housed at Charles River Laboratories and can be shipped directly
from CRL.
Shipping and handling charges are subject to CRL costs and are borne by
the requesting lab. The CD14 animals were first described in the publication
Moore, KJ, Andersson LP, Ingalls RR, Monks BG, Li R, Arnaout MA, Golenbock
DT, and MW Freeman. Divergent response to LPS
and bacteria in CD14 deficient murine macrophages. J Immunol
Support for the generation of these back-bred animals was provided in part
from the National Center for Research Resources (grant RR14466)
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