Figure 1

To quickly search for a stretch of
  15 perfectly matched bases, OligoPicker constructs a hash table data
  structure containing all possible 10mers within the data set (A).  The hash
  key is a 10mer sequence and the hash value is a string representation of the
  relative sequence indicies and positions where this particular 10mer is
  found.  Repetitive 15mers are then identified by using two overlapping
  10mers in the hash key as shown in (B).
Figure 1 - To quickly search for a stretch of 15 perfectly matched bases, OligoPicker constructs a hash table data structure containing all possible 10mers within the data set (A). The hash key is a 10mer sequence and the hash value is a string representation of the relative sequence indicies and positions where this particular 10mer is found. Repetitive 15mers are then identified by using two overlapping 10mers in the hash key as shown in (B).