Site Complexity:
Used to reject enzymes that cut too frequently. Enter the minimum number of basepairs in the enzyme recognition sequence, adjusted for ambiguity. For example, if set to 6, enzymes that recognize unambiguous sequences less than 6 basepairs long, or that recognize a 6 basepair sequence with at least one ambiguous basepair, will not be included in the map. Integer values are not required.
Reject coli methyl:
If set to Yes, restriction sites that are predicted not to be cleaved because of overlapping
E. coli dcm
methylation will not be included in the map or fragment list. Cleavage site resistance information is based on the enzyme providers' descriptions.
Enzyme Choices
Identifies enzymes that will be added to the map, overriding other controls. The names of the enzymes specified here will be given a distinct color (and/or appearance), as specified by the Selected Enzymes field. Enzymes added to the map by default (as specified by the Site Complexity field) are highlighted in the Enzyme Picker. All enzyme names in the Enzyme Picker are hyperlinked to explanation windows. Checking a highlighted enzyme will change its color in the map. To display only specific enzymes, set the minimum complexity to some large number and then choose the desired enzymes from the picker. Enzymes can also be added to the text field directly.
Enzyme File:
Can be used to provide a local file containing data on the enzymes to be used. The file must have the same structure as the file "enzymeData" in subfolder /enz/ of this site.
Start Residues:
Amino acid codons allowed at the beginning of an open reading frame. A blank means any residue is acceptable. A choice to capture additional bacterial orfs might be MVIL.
Reject Overlapping Orfs:
Allows or prevents the display of overlapping open reading frames.
Frames Wanted
These checkboxes allow various reading frames to be shown. The application does not attempt to identify open reading frames in ENA/DDBJ/GenBank pages unless gb+ or the Tags/Orfs checkbox at the right top of the sequence box is checked.
Allowed Overlap:
Allows orfs to overlap by this number of basepairs without causing rejection.
Minimum Orf Length:
Requires open reading frames to have a minimum length. Blank = 0.
Sequence Width:
Sets the number of basepairs displayed per line.
Characters Per Line
Separator Template:
Creates a custom separator between the top and bottom lines of the displayed sequence. Whatever is entered will be repeated throughout the sequence.
Page Background
Sets the background color of the page.
Unique Sites:
Sets the color used to display sites that appear only once in the sequence. Any red green blue hexadecimal code of the form #rrggbb, e.g. #9a80ff, can be entered (the hexadecimal digits are 0-9a-f).
Amino Acids:
Sets the color of the amino acid links. Any red green blue hexadecimal code of the form #rrggbb, e.g. #9a80ff, can be entered (the hexadecimal digits are 0-9a-f).
Variation Highlight:
Sets the highlight color (background color) of any sequence variation (or mutation or conflict) listed in the sequence feature table.
Selected Enzymes:
Sets the color of the enzymes selected with the enzyme picker (or entered directly in the Enzyme Choices text box).
Sets the font color of the translated sequence names. Also sets the font color for the end fragments of linear sequences, which may not correspond to physical fragments.
Sets the color of the sequence itself.
Sets the font color of the enzymes that cut three or more times in the sequence.
The save button stores the present values of the form. The remove button removes saved preferences without changing the values entered in the form.
Page Values:
The reset button restores the page defaults without changing the stored preferences.
If selected, an archive format sequence will be displayed as specified by the input. Unannotated sequences will be converted to circular if a plasmid is detected.
If checked, open reading frames and common peptide tags will be identified in DDBJ/ENA/GenBank pages. Orfs and tags are detected by default in plain text input.
If checked, open reading frames will be annotated automatically. To add auto-annotation to GenBank/ENA/DDBJ pages, the Tags/Orfs box must be checked as well.
Paste Your Sequence or GenBank Page Here
Supported Formats
The supported formats include DDBJ, ENA, GCG, GenBank, FASTA and plain text. The entire browser window (the result of a "select all") of a GenBank/ENA/DDBJ page can be pasted into the text box. If a plain text protein sequence is entered, a map will be displayed showing all possible restriction sites allowed by back-translation of the sequence. Try the Clean Up button to remove numbers and other extraneous characters (preserves FASTA format).
Earlier Versions